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GraphQL Error in Magento 2.4.1: Cannot query field “uid” on type “ConfigurableProductOptionsValues”

I’m having trouble getting the uid for my Configurable product options via GraphQL. Testing with this simplified query: { products(filter: { url_key: { eq: “test-product” } }) { items { sku … on ConfigurableProduct { configurable_options { attribute_code values {… Read More »GraphQL Error in Magento 2.4.1: Cannot query field “uid” on type “ConfigurableProductOptionsValues”

Configurable product with swatch AND dropdown attributes changes dropdown workflow

Preconditions and environment Magento version 2.4.5 Steps to reproduce Create a configurable product with only dropdown attribute – For example Create a configurable product with only swatch attribute – For example Create a configurable product with Swatch AND… Read More »Configurable product with swatch AND dropdown attributes changes dropdown workflow