color picker in admin configuration with have many option color
I trying make color code work like theme color but it’s not work. Does anyone have solution for this ?
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I trying make color code work like theme color but it’s not work. Does anyone have solution for this ?
How to resolve the issue in Magento 2.4.7-p3 version admin grid is not able to open. While you are in developer mode and go to store -> configuration-> and open any left tab and now open child right side tab… Read More »How to resolve issue in admin configuration right side tabs not able to open
I want to set robots: noindex, nofollow for 1 specific category. I thought I just add a line in a source code like: if (stripos($categoryName, ‘MyCategoryName’) !== false) { $this->layoutFactory->setRobots(‘NOINDEX,NOFOLLOW’); but I cannot locate the source code file, where the… Read More »Blocking one specific category for robots – Magento 2.2.11
If I clear all the other caches, the issue does not occur. The problem happens only when I clear the configuration cache, and everything goes to a 404 error. error Screenshot : (config_errors.log file)
When I check status Varnish, always receive error : Error: Could not reopen listen socket :80: Address already in use. But, run command sudo netstat -nlpt, don’t have process using port :80 ??? What did I do something wrong ?
I want to allow only numbers for a certain input field in a Magento Admin Control-Table/Config-Table. Has anyone done that before or has a hint? Greez
Below is an except from vendor/paypal/module-braintree-core/etc/config.xml and I am curious how to add new credit card to, <cctypes_braintree_mapper> via a custom module. Is this done via a di.xml file or a new config.xml file? <config xmlns:xsi=”” xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=”urn:magento:module:Magento_Store:etc/config.xsd”> <default> <payment> <braintree>… Read More »Override Braintree Config.xml via Custom Module
I’ve been exploring the configuration options for the Date column in Magento UI component grids. Specifically, I’m trying to understand the purpose of the <timezone> element in the XML configuration. According to the XSD definition vendor/magento/module-ui/view/base/ui_component/etc/definition/column.xsd, <timezone> is defined as… Read More »Clarification on Magento Date Column’s Timezone Configuration
I’m facing an issue in adding the product to wish-list. I have logged-in the site but still can’t add the product to wish-list. When checking the admin configuration, I see the wish-list is enabled for the site but its not… Read More »Magento2.3: Cannot add a product to wish-list even after logged in
On my magento 2.4.4 I’m creating a new module with its configuration in system.xml. The file itself works fine, I’ve created a yes/no field to enable/disable my feature plus an input text to add some data: <field id=”enabled” translate=”label comment”… Read More »magento 2.4 how to add a price field in system.xml