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Magento 2 Data Migration “Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry ### for key ‘SALES_CREDITMEMO_INCREMENT_ID_STORE_ID

I’ve been having issues while using the data migration tool to migrate data from Magento 1.9.3 to Magento 2.3: I already setup the config.xml to migrate only Customers and Sales. I then run the following commands: php bin/magento migrate:settings –reset… Read More »Magento 2 Data Migration “Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplicate entry ### for key ‘SALES_CREDITMEMO_INCREMENT_ID_STORE_ID

How can we resolve this issue ? Deprecated Functionality: str_replace():

I’m trying to fix the error with this (return sprintf($path,str_replace(‘contents_’, ”, $content));) code but it’s not working. anyone have idea how we can resolve it? Console error… [2023-02-07T17:48:14.257774+00:00][INFO][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step]: started [2023-02-07T17:48:14.258237+00:00][INFO][mode: data][stage: data migration][step: Map Step]:… Read More »How can we resolve this issue ? Deprecated Functionality: str_replace():

I’m facing the migration issue magento to magento 2.4.4

There are showing some errors in migration How we can resolve it. anyone can resolve this issue ?? E:xampp81htdocsmagento2>php bin/magento migrate:settings vendor/magento/data-migration-tool/etc/opensource-to-opensource/ PHP Fatal error: During inheritance of Iterator: Uncaught Exception: Deprecated Functionality: Return type of MigrationResourceModelAbstractCollection::current() should either be… Read More »I’m facing the migration issue magento to magento 2.4.4

Error during the data’s migration with the data migration tool ( to 2.4.4)

I have encountered a problem during the migration of the data from my old magento to my new magento… Everything worked well for the settings migration Here is the command i’ve launched : bin/magento migrate:data -a /var/www/html/magento2/app/code/Vendor/Migration/etc/opensource-to-opensource/ and here is… Read More »Error during the data’s migration with the data migration tool ( to 2.4.4)