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Magento 2 MAMP setup, how to connect with localstack docker

I have a Magento 2 installation on Mac(Sequoia) with MAMP(Apache). I have installed LocalStack on Docker(Colima) and it is working fine separately. I am trying to connect my Magento with Localstack using the following command bin/magento set:confi:set –remote-storage-driver=”aws-s3″ –remote-storage-bucket=”local-bucket” –remote-storage-region=”eu-central-1″… Read More »Magento 2 MAMP setup, how to connect with localstack docker

Installing Magento via docker getting with Elasticsearch

I am trying to run Magneto 2.4.3(php 7.4). Here is my docker-compose.yml file. services: web: image: webdevops/php-apache-dev:7.4 container_name: magento2-web volumes: – .:/public_html ports: – “” user: www-data:www-data environment: – WEB_DOCUMENT_ROOT=/public_html/pub – – WEB_NO_CACHE_PATTERN=\.\w+$ – CONTAINER_UID=33 #see restart: always… Read More »Installing Magento via docker getting with Elasticsearch