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Not getting the difference changes on comparing two git branches in same repo using Github API

I am able to get difference between two branches stage and master under same repo on web version via below web URL.…staging but not getting the changes via Github API: below snapshot display output of above compare API,… Read More »Not getting the difference changes on comparing two git branches in same repo using Github API

Could not find a matching version of package

I have uploaded my magento 2 module to GitHub, and published my private module to Now module published successfully as below. And my composer as below { “name”: “vlcsolutions/module-connector”, “description”: “Business Central Express Connect”, “require”: { “php”: “~7.0.0|~7.1.0|~7.2.0|~7.3.0|~7.4.0″ },”minimum-stability”:… Read More »Could not find a matching version of package

Git Bash git push origin main remote: Repository not found. fatal: repositor not found

Change repository visibility Make public git push origin main remote: Permission to repository.git denied to test. fatal: unable to access ‘’: The requested URL returned error: 403 Change repository visibility Make private git push origin main remote: Repository not found.… Read More »Git Bash git push origin main remote: Repository not found. fatal: repositor not found