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Unable to Apply Custom Patch on Magento 2.4.5p2 Cloud

Below are the logs on the server [2024-06-12T13:47:34.472113+00:00] INFO: Verbosity level is not set [2024-06-12T13:47:34.478688+00:00] NOTICE: Applying patches [2024-06-12T13:47:35.346915+00:00] ERROR: The command “php ./vendor/bin/ece-patches apply –no-interaction” failed. Applying hot-fixes Patch ../m2-hotfixes/ACSD-50165_EE_2.4.4_v1.patch has been applied Error: patch /app/m2-hotfixes/Reorder.patch can’t be applied… Read More »Unable to Apply Custom Patch on Magento 2.4.5p2 Cloud

I get this error: returned non-zero exit status 1 while running bin/magento-docker ece-deploy in Magento Cloud with Docker

I’m installing Magento Cloud with Docker on Local from an existing Magento Cloud Production environment. These are the steps I have done: Clone the repository Composer Install dump database into local downloaded pub/media created the build — ./vendor/bin/ece-docker build:compose –mode=”developer”… Read More »I get this error: returned non-zero exit status 1 while running bin/magento-docker ece-deploy in Magento Cloud with Docker

Mageplaza Call to undefined method getCollectionClone()

I am encountering the following problem with Magento and the Mageplaza plugin: Call to undefined method MagentoCatalogSearchModelResourceModelFulltextCollectionInterceptor::getCollectionClone() at /app/app/code/Mageplaza/LayeredNavigation/Model/Layer/Filter/Price.php:179)” This is the code snippet in the Price.php file: /** @var Collection $productCollection */ $productCollection = $this->getLayer()->getProductCollection() ->getCollectionClone() ->setGetAllData(true) ->removeAttributeSearch([‘price.from’, ‘’])… Read More »Mageplaza Call to undefined method getCollectionClone()