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GraphQL – Schema generated remove not null indication when in an array

In a custom module in etc/schema.graphqls, I declared my query : type Query { getAvailableCountries: [Country!] @resolver(class: “\Vendor\Module\Model\Resolver\getAvailableCountries”) @doc(description: “Get list of country allowed on magento’s side.”) } There is my resolver code : public function resolve(Field $field, $context, ResolveInfo… Read More »GraphQL – Schema generated remove not null indication when in an array

Graphql module not working properly in magento 2

I created the module schema.graphqls #Magento Customer GraphQl Schema type Query { testcustomer: Testcustomer @resolver(class: “Graphql\CrudOperations\Model\Resolver\StudentList”) @doc(description: “The testcustomer query returns information about a customer”) } type Testcustomer @doc(description: “Testcustomer defines the customer name and other details”) { student_id: Int… Read More »Graphql module not working properly in magento 2

Graphql return null values

Schema.graphqls type Query { getGoogleMedia: [GoogleMedia] @resolver(class: “Test\LocationData\Model\Resolver\GoogleMediaResolver”) } type GoogleMedia { image_view_all_link: String images: GooglePhotos video_view_all_link: String videos: GoogleVideos } type GooglePhotos { id: Int review_id: String image: String } type GoogleVideos { id: Int review_id: String video_link: String… Read More »Graphql return null values