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How to override adminhtml js file in custom module?

I need to override below file in my custom module Ayakil_CatalogPermissionsExtended vendor/magento/module-catalog-permissions/view/adminhtml/web/category_edit.js The custom module was created and placed the category_edit.js(/app/code/Ayakil/CatalogPermissionsExtended/view/adminhtml/web/js/category_edit.js) Content of requirejs-config.js is below var config = { config: { mixins: { ‘Magento_CatalogPermissions/js/category_edit’: { ‘Ayakil_CatalogPermissionsExtended/js/category_edit’: true } }… Read More »How to override adminhtml js file in custom module?

How to override TierPriceBox.php?

I would like to override vendor/magento/module-configurable-product/Pricing/Render/TierPriceBox.php in my extension, but failed to do so so far. So, how can I override that class? Thanks!

Trying to override InvoiceSender

I tried to override InvoiceSender (in /app/code/UFS/Sales/Model/Order/Email/Sender/InvoiceSender.php) but it doesn’t work and I don’t understand why. I added “‘created_at_formatted’ => $order->getCreatedAtFormatted(3)”. My di.xml looks like: <config xmlns:xsi=”” xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=”urn:magento:framework:ObjectManager/etc/config.xsd”> <preference for=”MagentoSalesModelOrderEmailSender” type=”UFSSalesModelOrderEmailSender” /> </config> My InvoiceSender.php looks like: <?php /** *… Read More »Trying to override InvoiceSender

Is it possible to override type configuration in the di.xml of a module in Magento2?

I want to override the file “FoomanEmailAttachmentsObserverAbstractSendInvoiceObserver”. Here is the code in the di.xml. <!– module introduced preferences –> <preference for=”FoomanEmailAttachmentsModelApiAttachmentContainerInterface” type=”FoomanEmailAttachmentsModelAttachmentContainer”/> <type name=”FoomanEmailAttachmentsObserverAbstractSendOrderObserver”> <arguments> <argument name=”pdfRenderer” xsi:type=”object”>FoomanEmailAttachmentsModelNoneRenderer</argument> </arguments> </type> <virtualType name=”fooman_emailattachments_invoice_pdf_renderer” type=”FoomanEmailAttachmentsModelPdfRenderer”> <arguments> <argument name=”pdfRenderer” xsi:type=”object”>MagentoSalesModelOrderPdfInvoice</argument> </arguments> </virtualType> <type… Read More »Is it possible to override type configuration in the di.xml of a module in Magento2?

Override Braintree Config.xml via Custom Module

Below is an except from vendor/paypal/module-braintree-core/etc/config.xml and I am curious how to add new credit card to, <cctypes_braintree_mapper> via a custom module. Is this done via a di.xml file or a new config.xml file? <config xmlns:xsi=”” xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation=”urn:magento:module:Magento_Store:etc/config.xsd”> <default> <payment> <braintree>… Read More »Override Braintree Config.xml via Custom Module