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Magento 2.4.4p4 Cannot instantiate interface MagentoJwtUserTokenModelJwtSettingsProviderInterface After disabling Magento_JwtUserToken

I am trying to disable Magento_JwtUserToken in Magento 2.4.4p4 Enterprise Edition due to don’t want to use this feature as it causing difficulties for me to create revoke logout token function I have reinstall composer and run all ugrade,dicompile,clear cache,… Read More »Magento 2.4.4p4 Cannot instantiate interface MagentoJwtUserTokenModelJwtSettingsProviderInterface After disabling Magento_JwtUserToken

How to disable Magento_JwtUserToken

I want to disable Magento_JwtUserToken Module but it is showing following error bin/magento module:disable Magento_JwtUserToken Unable to change status of modules because of the following constraints: Cannot disable Magento_JwtUserToken because modules depend on it: Magento_AdobeStockAdminUi: Magento_AdobeStockAdminUi->Magento_AdminAdobeIms->Magento_JwtUserToken Magento_AdminAdobeIms: Magento_AdminAdobeIms->Magento_JwtUserToken I want… Read More »How to disable Magento_JwtUserToken