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Category has wrong URL

We just upgraded to 2.4.6 and we have found tons of products and categories with wrong URLs. Categories and products that work have this URL :catalog/category/view/s/produkter/id/622/ Categories and products that do not work have this URL: /produkter.html/brannvern.html Does anyone know… Read More »Category has wrong URL

Magento 2.4.2 admin category URL redirect admin dashboard

Admin category URL link redirect admin dashboard issue how to fix this issue Current URL: Category Real category URL public function getCategoryEditUrl() { $category=$this->_registry->registry(‘current_category’); return $this->backendUrl->getUrl(‘catalog/category/edit’, [‘id’ => $category->getId()]); } above code get this URL but real… Read More »Magento 2.4.2 admin category URL redirect admin dashboard