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How to parse or convert array to Magento classes in custom renderer webapi

I’m trying to implement a Renderer for the Webapp, an addition to the existing ‘application/json’ and ‘application/xml’ renderers. Implementation of the RendererInterface: class CustomRender implements MagentoFrameworkWebapiRestResponseRendererInterface { /** * Render the data * * @param object|array|int|string|bool|float|null $data * @return string… Read More »How to parse or convert array to Magento classes in custom renderer webapi

Issue with custom extensible entity and getList method from repository

I have a custom extensible entity: interface that extends ExtensibleDataInterface with get and set; model that extends AbstractExtensibleModel with get and set; My GetList method from repository: /** * @param SearchCriteriaInterface $criteria * @return AskQuestionSearchResultsInterface */ public function getList(SearchCriteriaInterface $criteria)… Read More »Issue with custom extensible entity and getList method from repository

Error: Cannot instantiate interface MagentoReCaptchaWebapiApiApiWebapiValidationConfigProviderInterface

I have just upgraded my magento version from 2.4.0 to 2.4.6 and i am getting this issue on checkout shipping page and shiiping methods are not displaying. Error: Cannot instantiate interface MagentoReCaptchaWebapiApiApiWebapiValidationConfigProviderInterface in /home/websites/bollywoo/ Stack trace: #0 /home/websites/hollywoo/dev/public_html/vendor/magento/framework/ObjectManager/ObjectManager.php(70): MagentoFrameworkObjectManagerFactoryDynamicDeveloper->create() #1… Read More »Error: Cannot instantiate interface MagentoReCaptchaWebapiApiApiWebapiValidationConfigProviderInterface