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Form key validation

Can’t succeed to make a post frontend form to work <form class=”form” name=”download-form” action=”<?= $block->getUrl(‘booklets/booklet/email’) ?>” method=”post” data-mage-init='{“validation”: {}}’ > <?= $block->getBlockHtml(‘formkey’) ?> src/vendor/magento/framework/Data/Form/FormKey/Validator.php /** * Validate form key * * @param MagentoFrameworkAppRequestInterface $request * @return bool */ public function… Read More »Form key validation

Hide button if error message is active

I have a site built with Magento 2.3. In checkout cart, I want to hide the button that proceed to checkout if the quantity of a product pass the maximum quantity. How can I do this? Thank you!

main.CRITICAL: Invalid template file:

I created module for email header Block: INWEmailOverrideBlockEmailOverride // information about which image show template: extraheader.phtml // contain a image tag I put this in custom email template {{block class=”INWEmailOverrideBlockEmailOverride” name=”extraheader_header” orderId=$myvar1 template=”INW_EmailOverride::extraheader.phtml”}} when I am sending email from 2… Read More »main.CRITICAL: Invalid template file:

Physical RAM vs VIrtual RAM

I have seen many companies that provide physical ram and virtual ram in separate mention. Is there actually a thing related to virtual ram? … | Read the rest of

Using Docker instead of Cloudlinux

Hi All, I have a question, What do you think to run Docker to separate environment instead of Cloudlinux? Regards. * Managers, I hop… | Read the rest of